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Accessibility Plan Survey

This survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

If you are helping someone else complete this survey, please answer the questions on their behalf (i.e. as if you were that person).

This collection of personal information is authorized under section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act. The information will be used to inform the development of an Accessibility Plan for the City of Pitt Meadows, or a use consistent with that purpose. Privacy questions can be directed to: Privacy Officer, 604.465.5454, or 


I heard about this survey via (check all that apply):

Select option

Select option

Select option


I live with one or more disabilities (check all that apply):  


I like to visit these places (check all that apply):

Select option


Living with one or more disabilities impacts the (check all that apply):


I use the following City services and/or resources (check all that apply):


Are there any other factors that are barriers to the places you go, activities you do, or where you live? Check all that apply:


In your opinion, in what areas could the Pitt Meadows community improve accessibility? Check all that apply:


From your perspective, a person living in Pitt Meadows with one or more disabilities feels welcomed and respected in (check all that apply):  


From your perspective, a person living in Pitt Meadows with one or more disabilities can physically access (check all that apply):