Bonson Road Traffic Calming Improvements Survey
We are seeking your feedback on recommended traffic calming improvements to enhance traffic safety in your neighbourhood. Residents of Bonson Road have voiced concerns about traffic-related issues between Hammond Road and Airport Way.
The City of Pitt Meadows Traffic Calming Policy (Council Policy C029) serves as a guide in developing strategies to mitigate traffic issues faced by neighbourhoods. In accordance with this policy, a traffic operations safety review was conducted with the following small-scale traffic calming measures recommended for Bonson Road:
- Install a Hammond Road street name sign and improve visibility of Bonson Road signage;
- Install two digital speed reader boards; and
- Install 30km/hr speed zone pavement markings.
The review and recommendations were presented to Council on September 25, 2018. More information is available in the Council meeting minutes and staff report in the meeting agenda on the City’s website.
The City of Pitt Meadows is committed to community involvement and encourages residents to review the proposed small-scale traffic calming options and complete this survey.
We are seeking consensus on the proposed traffic calming options. Options that are supported by a significant majority of the neighbourhood respondents may be implemented in the near future, provided no issues arise and as budget allows.
Please note this survey is intended to collect feedback regarding the small-scale recommendations only. The large-scale recommendations are deferred to future business planning processes. If agreement of the small-scale traffic calming measures cannot be reached, the improvements will not be implemented and further public consultation will be initiated to determine a favorable solution.
Bonson Rd Small-Scale Recommendations:
We appreciate you taking the time to complete this survey by Friday, March 8, 2019.