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Filming in South Bonson and Osprey Village Survey
In 2016, filming hot spot designations were put in place due to concerns about filming activities in South Bonson and Osprey Village. Since that time, staff have updated and improved the permitting process which has been very successful in creating positive filming experiences in other areas of Pitt Meadows.
The main concerns for the South Bonson and Osprey Village area were about disruption to parking, access to businesses and enjoyment of the location, City staff have created a list of requirements that would be mandatory for every film permit should filming move forward:
- Film companies would be required to consult with business owners and residents for any area affected by filming prior to film permit approval.
- For business owners there may be compensation available for loss of business during filming and would be negotiated between the film company and business.
- Onsite parking would be limited and film companies would be required to park elsewhere and shuttle their crew to the location.
- Filming outside of the City’s noise bylaw would require polling of the surrounding neighborhood with an 80% approval required.
- Film companies must notify the surrounding neighborhood of their filming plans. This letter will include dates and times, as well as any potential impacts such as noise from special effects/pyrotechnics and/or road closures.