Active Transportation Review
Thank you for sharing your feedback. This engagement period has now closed. For updates on the Active Transportation Review, please visit
Whether you walk, bike, roll, or paddle - we want to hear from you! The City is reviewing its active transportation network and is seeking community feedback to better understand opportunities for improvements. Complete the survey and share your ideas for active transportation enhancements using the Ideas and Places tools below until June 23, 2022.
What is Active Transportation?
Active transportation is any way of travelling using your own power to get from one place to another. Walking and cycling are the most common, but running, scootering, skateboarding, in-line skating, using a wheelchair, paddling, skiing, snowshoeing, horseback riding, and the electrically assisted equivalents such as electric bicycles or electric scooters are all considered active transportation.
What are the Benefits of Active Transportation?
Making it safer and easier to travel by active transportation enables more people to travel this way, which has numerous benefits both individually and at the community level:
- Health Benefits: People that get around actively benefit from the physical and mental health benefits it provides. Furthermore, as more individuals get around by active transportation, the community becomes healthier as a whole. As infrastructure improves safety for all road users, there are fewer collisions.
- Environmental Benefits: If more people choose active transportation for more trips, this reduces the individual and community carbon footprint and improves local air quality.
- Congestion Reduction Benefits: As the community grows, getting more people to make short trips on foot or by bicycle can reduce strain on existing roadways and free up parking for others. It is not the plan's intent to make everybody walk or ride a bike, but to enable those who do the opportunity to do it safely.
- Transportation Cost Savings: Making it easier to travel actively reduces reliance on the cars for some and can reduce individual transportation costs, whether by saving a small amount on gas, reducing from two cars to one, or going completely car-free.
- Equity Benefits: Providing travel options other than by car makes the transportation system more equitable. The network works well for those that drive, but those that don't drive must navigate a disconnected network of active transportation infrastructure. Providing a safe and connected active network, allows everyone to navigate the city safely.
About the Active Transportation Plan
The City of Pitt Meadows is reviewing the active transportation network to understand where there are opportunities for improvement in the network. The plan will replace the 2012 Pedestrian and Cycling Master Plan to reflect evolving guidance with respect to active modes planning and design.
The active transportation network review will be developed over the next year and will include site visits, background information reviews, and reviews of existing conditions combined with public feedback. This information will help the City understand the issues and inform the development of a proposed active transportation network and the infrastructure types that form that network. Infrastructure types could include sidewalks, multi-use pathways, bike lanes, neighbourhood bikeways, and supporting components such as bicycle parking, traffic calming, and crosswalk improvements. The plan will identify areas for improvement and propose an implementation strategy to upgrade the network over time through capital work and developer-led improvements.
The Active Transportation Plan will also support future grant applications for regional, provincial, or federal cost-sharing programs that can provide substantial funding contributions toward capital projects that are being implemented as part of a coordinated plan.
Opportunities for Input
- Complete the survey below between May 27-June 23 to share your experience and feedback regarding active transportation in Pitt Meadows.
- Use the places and ideas tools below to pinpoint location-specific issues or ideas that are important to you.
Your feedback will directly inform the City’s understanding of issues and capture the experiences of people currently traveling by active modes or wishing to travel more actively but feeling restricted by the existing conditions. Whether Pitt Meadows is your home, part of your commute, or your destination, we would like to hear from you. Feedback will be provided in a ‘What We Heard’ document and will inform the final plan. Learn more about the project at
Active Transportation Map
Use the map to add location specific issues relating to active transportation. Separate pins are provided for general pedestrian or cycling related issues and specific pins are also provided for issues relating to crosswalks, lighting, bike parking and accessibility. An "Other" pin is also provided if the provided pins aren't appropriate.