2023 Parks Projects

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Thank you for sharing your feedback. The surveys are now closed. For updates related to Parks Projects, please visit pittmeadows.ca/parksprojects.

The City of Pitt Meadows is seeking feedback on the implementation of four key park projects identified in the Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan.

The projects include:

  • Pitt Meadows Athletic Park and how best to use the Amenity Lands
  • Space planning and improvements for Harris Road Park
  • Playground renewal for Mitchell Park
  • Playground renewal for North Commons Park

Share Your Feedback

Complete the surveys below until February 20, 2023. The feedback gathered will help ensure that the space planning and amenities of parks will meet the growing needs of the community.

Please note, there is a separate survey for each park, totaling four surveys. Each survey will take approximately 2 minutes to complete.

At the beginning of each survey, you will find detailed information about the individual project.

Thank you for your valuable input! If you have any further questions, please email parksandrec@pittmeadows.ca or call 604.465.2452. If you have a privacy concern, contact the Privacy Head at 604.465.5454.

Thank you for sharing your feedback. The surveys are now closed. For updates related to Parks Projects, please visit pittmeadows.ca/parksprojects.

The City of Pitt Meadows is seeking feedback on the implementation of four key park projects identified in the Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan.

The projects include:

  • Pitt Meadows Athletic Park and how best to use the Amenity Lands
  • Space planning and improvements for Harris Road Park
  • Playground renewal for Mitchell Park
  • Playground renewal for North Commons Park

Share Your Feedback

Complete the surveys below until February 20, 2023. The feedback gathered will help ensure that the space planning and amenities of parks will meet the growing needs of the community.

Please note, there is a separate survey for each park, totaling four surveys. Each survey will take approximately 2 minutes to complete.

At the beginning of each survey, you will find detailed information about the individual project.

Thank you for your valuable input! If you have any further questions, please email parksandrec@pittmeadows.ca or call 604.465.2452. If you have a privacy concern, contact the Privacy Head at 604.465.5454.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The recently completed Parks, Recreation, and Culture (PRC) Master Plan proposed a variety of enhancements at Pitt Meadows Athletic Park (11431 Bonson Rd) and the adjoining eight acres of amenity lands to create a “sports hub” in a single central location. Undertaking these enhancements will better serve the community as well as allow park staff to focus their work in a single location.

    Potential enhancements to improve the user experience highlighted in the PRC Master Plan included the addition of field lighting, increasing spectator seating, covered shelters, providing additional storage for user groups and increased parking availability. 

    The development of a covered multi-sport box to make available a variety of sports in a dry outdoor setting, while connecting the existing 27 acres to the adjoining eight acres of amenity lands and the Arena Complex was also recommended.

    This survey will take approximately 2 minutes to complete.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Harris Road Park (12474 Lougheed Hwy) was identified in the Parks, Recreation, and Culture (PRC) Master Plan as a location where the use of the park should focus on spontaneous use, social gathering space, and passive recreation. To accommodate the construction of the new autonomous RCMP detachment, the north ball diamond at Harris Road Park will be relocated to the Amenity Lands adjacent to the Pitt Meadows Athletic Park. Doing so will enhance the safety and functionality of Harris Road Park and encourage increased spontaneous use of this important central park site.

    The intent of the space planning and preliminary designs is to transform Harris Road Park into a true destination park with visitors coming from Pitt Meadows and neighbouring communities.

    This survey will take approximately 2 minutes to complete.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The existing playground at Mitchell Park (19000 Mitchell Road) is beyond its useful life and needs replacement. The updates to this playground will provide play spaces for families in this growing community.

    This survey will take approximately 2 minutes to complete.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The existing playground at North Commons Park (19503 Hoffmann Way) is beyond its useful life and needs replacement. The updates to this playground will provide play spaces for families in this growing community.

    This survey will take approximately 2 minutes to complete.

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Page last updated: 24 Feb 2023, 10:12 AM